Which database does Facebook & Google use ?

Facebook has moved to a NoSQL database named HBase. Google uses their own system called BigTable. What is NoSQL ? NoSQL is a term used to designate databases which differ from classic relational databases. NoSQL database management systems are useful when working with a huge quantity of data when the data's nature does not require a relational model. The data can be structured, but NoSQL is used when what really matters is the ability to store and retrieve great quantities of data, not the relationships between the elements.

How to Delete Registry Keys Entries In Windows!

If you run Microsoft Windows, most of your computer’s settings and options are stored in a nifty database called the Windows Registry.  The database is usually stable and efficient, but there are some occasions when you have to manually delete some keys and values in the registry to make your computer function at its optimum levels.  Here are some ways to delete registry keys.

Registry Editor:

The values, keys, and subkeys in the Windows Registry can be accessed, modified, viewed, and deleted through registry editors.  While there are some free registry editors that may be installed on the computer, the best and the most accessible one available to you is the free editor that already comes with Microsoft Windows.  To run the Windows Registry Editor, follow these steps:
  1. Click on the Start menu, and navigate to the Run command.
  2. Type “regedit.exe” (without the quotation marks), and hit the Enter key.
  3. The Registry Editor will now be open.

Deleting Registry Keys:

The Windows Registry Editor looks like a simplified version of Windows Explorer.  The only difference is that the panes contain the keys and registry values that contain your computer’s settings.  To delete keys and subkeys in the Windows Registry, follow these steps:
  1. Before modifying entries and keys in the Windows Registry, it’s very important to back up the values first.  Click on the File menu, click “Export,” and save the registry values.
  2. Groups like registry keys and subkeys may be deleted from the left pane of the Windows Registry Editor.  To delete specific entries in the system registry, navigate from the left pane and delete the specific registry entry on the right pane of the window.
  3. After deleting the registry keys, save all changes and restart your computer.
Deleting registry keys and entries is an advanced computing operation that requires a great deal of technical proficiency in computer skills and system management.  With these steps, you can manage and troubleshoot registry problems in a snap.


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